Suggestion and Offer Dialogue

Student Council Election

The chairman of student council election will begin in just a few days. Supri, one of three chairman of student council candidates, is preparing everything for so he has a lot of supporter. He asking his friends, Alex and Joko, to help him prepare the best plan to bring down both rivals. In return, he will give Alexander and Joko a position in student council. Although the current pandemic conditions makes them must implement health protocols, they don't care and violate health protocol. So they decide to meet at Alex's house.

Supri    : So everyone come? Good. Let's just get started. What is our best plan to make our rivals lose and make them crying in their house?
Alex    : Is it safe if we violate health protocols that have been regulated by the government? Isn't corona virus a dangerous virus?
Supri    : Of course it's safe. As long as no one sneezes or coughs, we will be safe from this disease.
Alex     : But I heard that...
Supri    : Stop talking nonsense. Let's just get started. Joko, do you have any idea?
Joko     : I think the best plan to winning this election is by obstructing their campaign.
Alex     : No, it's too hard. They will know that we're disrupt their campaign and promotion.
Supri    : That's impossible. The election committee will know that us cheating. Any other idea?
Alex     : Hey, while we were talking about this, do you guys want to eat?
Joko     : Yes of course, we are very hungry. Why didn't you take food from earlier?
Alex     : I'm really sorry. I forgot.
Supri    : It's okay. Now, why don't we just eat while talking about our plan?
Joko     : That's a good idea.
Joko    : What if I make several fake account, and then I'm gonna spread hoaxes and conspiracy theories about them?
Alex     : That's the worst idea I've heard.
Supri    : No, it's a brilliant idea. They won't know that we're gonna do this. Let's do it!
Joko     : Okay, I will start it right now.

After they agreed, they started their plan. But one day before the election, their plans are known by the election committee. The leader of election committee, Selena, calling Supri and his friends to be interrogated.

Selena  : Is it true that you are spreading hoaxes about other candidates?
Supri    : No, it's impossible I'm doing that. I campaign honestly and follow the rules
Selena  : You should be honest with us. Because if you keep lying, the punishment for you will be more bigger.
Selena  : Do you want to know the consequences of your behavior?
Supri    : We don't know and we don't care, because we didn't do anything wrong.
Selena  : Alex, we know that you're a good person. So if you don't want to be suspended from this school, tell the truth.
Alex     : I'm really sorry Supri, but I don't want to be expelled from this school.
Alex     : Yes, it's right. We did that. But please don't kick me out of this school.
Selena  : It's okay Alex. You guys also violating health protocol. Do you guys wanna get infected?!
Joko    : Meh, it's not a dangerous disease.
Selena  : You don't know that it's spreading through the air? But the main cause is by respiratory droplet. Although there's no one sneezing or coughing, talk is just enough to spread the virus.
Supri    : We don't know about that.
Selena  : Well, now you're know it. So, don't do it again.

Because of their actions, Supri and Joko are expelled from school, while Alex is suspended for 1 month. After the news spread, everyone who support Supri confuse to choose a candidates, including Tono. He can't make up his mind. So he decide to discuss the best candidate for the next chairman of students with Willy.

Willy    : What's wrong, Tono?
Tono     : I still could'n find the best candidate for the election.
Willy    : Do you want me to find out who is the best candidate?
Tono     : Well, yes. You think I'd better choose Siti or Parto?
Willy   : I think you should choose Siti. She is very good at leading an organization. Proven in its reliability to lead the badminton extracurricular.
Tono     : But I heard that she's too much talk and less in actions.
Willy     : That's hoax.
Tono      : Why don't you choose Willy? Because Supri says that he is lazy?
Willy     : No, but I  was in the same class as him, and I knew his naughty and ignorant behavior.
Tono      : Ok then. Thanks for the help.
Willy     : You're welcome.

Yellow colored text : Suggestion
Blue colored text : Offer


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