Why People Still Believe in Conspiracy Theory?

Illustration of conspiration.

Conspiracy is one of the biggest lies in human history. People are easily fooled by misinformation or incorrect information about something happening. Usually tragedy, phenomenon, and unusual events are the most common source to bring misleading information. Conspiracy theory is belief there are certain groups who plan and carry out an evil intention in secret. Conspiracy theory also often called conspiration (noun). This theory followed by million of people all around the world, and when they're knowing the truth, they often reject it. 

The example of conspiracy theory is the 5G tower communication spreading dangerous electromagnetic waves, Coronavirus is viruses that spread deliberately by pharmaceutical companies so they gain more money, and elite global and WHO working together to rule the world.

There are several reasons why people got easily believe in conspiracy theory, those are :

Antivaxxers and conspiration theorists demonstrating in USA

1) Many people believe in the first story they heard 

When they first heard a story about something, people often easily believed in that first story. So they search about the story in the internet, and since millions of people are using internet and information is available everywhere, they got the another information about the conspiration again, and only strengthen their beliefs on it.

2) Just accepted a theory that make sense to themself

When somebody got confused or not knowing what happens to an incident or event, they will search for information to make themself understand the situation. Sometimes the real explanation about the event or phenomenon happen are not make any sense to their mind. So they searching another explanation that could make they understand, and conspiration often more make sense than the real explanation.

For example, why water level in sea rise at night? So people search it on Google and find moon gravity cause the water to rise at night, because the distance between moon and earth surface are closer than when daylight. But people usually don't believe it, because they think that the moon is very far away from earth and unable to pull the water by it's gravity. And that leads their mindset to conspiration, because on daylight moon also rotate around earth and earth is round, moon always close with earth, but why it's only pull the water at night? And they start to find a conclusion: earth is flat. And this theory also supported by many flat earthers that spreading their own "science".

3) Conspiration is more interesting

Believe it or not, there are many people who believe in conspiration because it's more interesting and fun to read than the real explanation that related to science. That's because conspiracy theorists generally also provide "spice", the underlying cause of a secret issue, that makes it more interesting and more "make sense".

4) Lack of reliable information source

Although there are millions of relevant and trusted information source, they just think that it still not enough to make them understand, and they only believe in several information source that feels "fit" to them.

9/11 Conspiracy, where people believe the man who fell down because of bombs, not plane's explosion

5) Socio-political influence

People get motivated and followed to their idol or person they believed. When their idol, society, or political figures believe in conspiracy theory, usually person who followed them are get motivated or influenced by their mindset and follow to believe it too.

Or for another scenario, conspiracy theory are made by one party or one side to defeat their political rival. They spreading false information about their rival that makes rival's name look bad, and that gives advantage to their party.

The most important thing to us, we need to check the information that given to us. Check it from reliable and trusted source.


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