Asking and Giving Opinion

John was very bored in this pandemic situation. So he decided to call his friend, Kyle to asking for opinion. However, John who didn't believe the risk of Covid-19, doesn't care about the disease and people around him.

John : I'm very bored at home. I need to go outside. Do you have any idea?
Kyle : Just go outside, or you can go cycling to mountain, that won't be boring and you can stay healthy.
John : Well, that's bad idea. I don't want to do that.
Kyle : You asks me for opinion, but then you mock my opinion.
John : That's because your opinion is not helping at all.
Kyle : Okay it's up to you.
John : What about go to another country? Like France or maybe UK?
Kyle : Don't get mad, but your idea as bad as your response to my opinion.
John : What's wrong with my idea? Oh wait, let me guess, Covid-19 pandemic, right?
Kyle : Yes, of course. It's very dangerous disease, and you could die from it!
John : So you believe what TV says?
Kyle : It's not kind of joke or conspiration theory. That's the fact.
John : Well, I don't need your opinion. Your suggestion isn't helping at all. That's because your brain just fulfilled with math, physics, and science. You're despite the fact that this is all just government trickery.
Kyle : So you don't believe that  17 million people get infected and almost 700.000 died?
John : I believe the data of infected cases and death toll. But I don't believe that the virus is that dangerous.
Kyle : I don't understand your mindset. It's almost equal to Dutch's total population, and you said that it's not dangerous?
John : Yes. Any problem with that?
Kyle : If you don't believe it, so why don't you just go to hospital and let infected people infect you?
John : I'll do it, but I need permission from government to do that, and you know that I'm lazy to do that, right?
Kyle : You keep denying, so I don't care.
John : You must learn to respect differences of opinion. Differences makes everything colorful, you can see world from different perspective.
Kyle : Yes, differences of opinion must be respected. You do care about your opinion, but don't force your opinion. Do you know medical personnel that work hard everyday, and you don't respect them?
John : Bla bla bla bla. You're too much talk. I will prove it to you, that you and the whole world were wrong.

John get angry to Kyle and he did the reckless action, go to hospital and infect himself. But he scared, so he invited Carl to accompany him to hospital.

John : You are on my side, right?
Carl : Of course I do. I'm your best friends. I won't let my friend disappointed.
John : Thanks, Carl.

John and Carl went to the hospital. But there is strict guarding for entering the hospital, so they're deceiving security guards by wearing doctor's suits and using fake identities. They also bring a camera to documenting their actions.

Carl : When will we start using this camera?
John : Soon after there's no security guards.
Carl : Do you think that they wouldn't know if we doing this?
John : I guess so. Okay, now there're no security guards. I will turn on the camera. I will documenting our action, while you talk to camera and go to ICU.
Carl : Okay.

They go to ICU and start documenting. After that, they were caught doing the action, and were chased by security guards. They run to their homes, and hiding for hours. On the next day, they were arrested by police and doing swab test. Their result are positive, so they're isolated in hospital. The next day, Kyle contacted John.

Kyle : I'm sorry that I didn't stop you before. It's my fault too.
John : No, this is all my fault. I didn't hear you, and underestimate everything, thought that I'm strong enough and trusting news that doesn't even have a source.
Kyle : I don't want to tell you about this, but your mother just got sick, and in critical condition.
John : What?! What's wrong with her?
Kyle : She also got infected, maybe while you're hiding in the past two days.
John : I'm really sorry. So what should I do now?
Kyle : Just be patient and keep praying.
John : Alright I will follow your advice. Thanks Kyle.
Kyle : You're welcome.

Orange : Asking for opinion
Green : Giving opinion
Red : Responding opinion


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