My Ambition, My Goal, My Future

Hi, my name is Bagas Sambega Rosyada. My friends and my family usually call me Bagas. I was born in Bandung, September 29th 2003. My mother comes from Ciamis, and my father from Karawang. 

When I'm still on kindergarten, my dream is to become an astronaut. I want to become an astronaut, because I like math and science. I'm always reading book about astronomy and space, to pursue my dream. 

When in elementary school, I often participate many competitions, and quite often won the competitions. Most of the competitions I participate in are math, and science competitions. That makes my interest to science increasing. Once when I participated in a national level science competition, my mentor recommended me to buy a biology book. The book is Biology : Campbell. So I asked my parents to bought me the books. When I was about to buy the book, the seller asked who's gonna using this book. My mother told me that I'm gonna using it. And when he saw me, the seller got confused, so he asked my mom which grade am I, and my mother told him that I'm still 6th grade in elementary school, the seller was very surprised. Then he told my mother that the books is intended for college student, but I keep ask my mother to bought me the books, so finally my mother bought it. And now, I realized that the book is very useful for me and continues to be used until now.

When I was in junior high school, I tried to think rational and realized that being an astronaut was very hard and there are so many requirements must met. My parents wanted me to become a doctor, because it is a promising job. So I decided to become a doctor. I started reading book and article about health, chemistry, and physiology, but I didn't understand most of it, because I'm still in junior high school.

And now, here I am in senior high school. I really like biology and chemistry, because I want to pursue my dream. I want to study in FK UNPAD (Medical Faculty Universitas Padjadjaran). But I know there are many of my friends want to get into FK UNPAD too, so I made them my rivals and kept trying to achieve my dream.

I wanted to become a doctor not only because of my parents. Many of my family passed away because of diseases, especially cancer. I lost two of my aunt because cancer. So I don't want other people to experience the same thing and want to help many people as I can.

Besides science, I also have interest to technology. I liked editing and programming language, and also I like to read and watch news about latest technology. It's also important because now a doctor needs the latest technology for work. I also liked to following political news, but I'm not really interested in entering politics.

Many of my friends say that I very easy to memorize something and have a strong memory. I also like to manage my time, even if it's just for watching TV or reading books. I always divided my time for daily activities, studying, and playing. I don't like if someone interrupts my time management, because I have to reschedule my activities and mess up my plans.

But besides of all of that, I'm really bad in making arts and crafts. I also have trouble focusing when conditions aren't conducive, or working under pressure.

I'm always do my best to achieve my dreams, keep study harder and harder, and never forget pray to Allah Swt. And also I'm always learn from my experience, helping each other and won't ever give up.

You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful

- Marie Curie


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